20 years of Viktoriapark records (2020) watch the video in high resolution at vimeo.com or in lower resolution here (85,6 MB) |
Kuno's interview with Peter Baumann (2016) with guest appearance by Johannes Schmoelling German language Kuno's interview with (2012) German language, with English subtitles Kuno's interview with Johannes Schmoelling (2 parts, 2011) German language, with English subtitles NEW ! Interview (Deutsch) / (English) by Lambert Ringlage, Spheric Music (2019) Interview by Tobias Fischer from Tokafi (2006) Interview by Conrad Gibbons from Ireland (2006) "Von Tönen und Bildern/ From Sounds and Pictures" Interview by Ecki Stieg from grenzwellen (2001) Interview by Michael J. Darnell and Christopher Lawless from Horizon Music (1997) |